Gs Gift Bouquets

Ladies Chocolate Bouquet Gift hampers.


Ladies  Chocolate  Bouquet gift hampers,  made from artificial flowers and decorated in brooches are the perfect little gift for Mother’s Day, Birthday, or whatever occasion you are sure to impress with these creative and unique pampering gift hampers.

The Purple Hamper…. small book for mum, bubble bath, face mask, mini set of make-up brushes, shower cap, love heart sweets, love heart decorative metal tin soap, loofah body scrub, and a small FREE Gift

The pink   Hamper.. ….comes with the same items as the purple Free Gift Included

The Green Hamper…Trio off Cath Kidston hand cream, face mask, mini make-up brushes, Pink Bath scrub, decorative tin soap, small candle, small book, love heart sweets, Free Gift included

The Yellow Hamper……Face exfoliating Brush, Face mask, small book, Cath Kidston tiro of hand cream, Ted Baker body set with body spray, small set of makeup brushes, small candle.  Check out my other mothers day or birthday gift ideas Mothers’ Day Gift Hamper

I have partnered up with a Luxury  and reliable bouncer castle supplier  

4 in stock
